As an employee or volunteer for Mentoring Services and Leadership Development, I understand I may have access to confidential information such as grades, test results, student progress, and similar data. I am aware I may receive verbal or written communication from my supervisor concerning course grades and personal issues that are confidential. I understand employment and the opportunity to volunteer with Mentoring Services and Leadership Development means I must accept the responsibility to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of this information and I will receive appropriate training regarding policies and guidelines to fulfill these expectations of my involvement.
I fully understand failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the termination of my employment, volunteer status, and/or termination of all mentoring relationships arranged and supported through Mentoring Services and Leadership Development.
Academic Integrity
As an employee or volunteer for Mentoring Services and Leadership Development, I am aware I will receive training as to IU policies and guidelines regarding ethical conduct in providing academic support services to my fellow students.
I understand I am to be a model for academic honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior. I understand I must adhere to departmental and university policies. I understand failure to adhere to these guidelines and policies will result in the termination of my employment, volunteer status, and/or all mentoring relationships arranged and supported through Mentoring Services and Leadership Development.